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Monday, August 3, 2015

Hawaiian Targets

   We all know Hawaii. We mostly think of it as the 50th state of the United States and one of the most popular vacation spots. But what we know little of is that it is one of the islands that is full of endangered bird species. The only reason the remaining Hawaiian birds species are endangered is because we transport non-native plant species, non-native diseases, and non-native animal species like the mongoose to Hawaii. All of these dangerous non-native plant species and diseases can wreck havoc on the bird's natural habitat. Also, non-natives diseases carried by mosquitoes, predators, feral cattle and pigs can also decline the Hawaiian bird population as well. If that isn't enough, then think about the loss of habitat for farms and human colonization which is also a great threat to the Hawaiian bird population. Being eaten by the mongoose and other non-native predators doesn't keep the population in check. All it does is defy the natural ecosystem and threaten the bird population more and more. In the past, they have lost 71 of their native relatives to extinction, but if we don't act now, then they too will go extinct.

    Federally listed as endangered: Short-tailed Albatross, Hawaiian Petrel, Nēnē, Hawaiian Duck (Koloa), Laysan Duck, Hawaiian Hawk (`Io), Hawaiian Moorhen (`Alae `Ula), Hawaiian Coot (`Alae Ke`oke`o), Hawaiian Stilt (Ae`o), Hawaiian Crow (`Alalā), O`ahu Elepaio, Nihoa Millerbird, Kāma`o, Oloma`o, Puaiohi, Kaua`i `Ō`ō, Laysan Finch, Nihoa Finch, `Ō`ū, Palila, Maui Parrotbill, Kaua`i `Akialoa, Nukupu`u, `Akiapōlā`au, Hawai`i Creeper, O`ahu `Alauahio, Kākāwahie, Hawai`i `Ākepa, Maui `Ākepa, `Ākohekohe, Po`ouli.Threatened: Newell’s Shearwater.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Black rhino poaching

This is wrong!!!!! Save the black rhino, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Near to Extinction

You all remember the rhino? Sad news is, the western black rhinoceros died out in 2011 by poaching for ivory. Today, the black rhinoceros, the relative of the western black rhinoceros, is near to extinction due to ivory smuggling by poaching. If we don't act now, then all of the black rhino species will be out of Africa permanently. Worst part is, once that happens, then later generations won't be able to see the black rhinoceros at all. If you want to prevent a bad future for the black rhinoceros, then please support this blog or go online to support the International Rhino Foundation or any other wildlife foundation right now.

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Preventing deforestation

Every year in the modern age, many forests in South America, Africa, and parts of Asia like China and India are being chopped down too much for more space. Because of this, it is driving other animals to the brink of extinction like the giant panda, the red panda, the lemur, other primates, South American birds, etc.. But there are some animal species that have already become extinct due to deforestation. Do we really want to live in a world like this? If you say "no", then please support this blog and donate to your local charity against deforestation right now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Against poaching

Tigers are being hunted for their fur in India. Rhinos and elephants are being shot down for their tusks in Africa. And this whole situation will not stop until these animals go extinct. Is this the world we want to live in? Please support in preventing poaching. If we join together, then this situation will end for all.